Ice cream and articles

So I wasn’t planning on writing a blog post today.

I also wasn’t planning on studying this afternoon, after my day of interesting (read: dead boring) classes, with two lovely friends.

Things happen, man! And thank goodness, they do.

One of my best friends Kirralee told me about an article today, which I really want to share with you. Technically, it’s written for guys. But I read it anyway.


Seriously though, this is a definite must read. And a definite ‘do’ for you guys out there! It’s so great, and talks about intentions in dating and gives some great examples.

Here’s a quote from the article here (which actually had me laughing so much!) –

“The truth is that when you’re in a relationship, you get their crap on top of your crap. That’s double crap. It is hard to start a healthy relationship with two immature people drowning in crap. Men, get your life together first, know where you are going, then invite a girl to come along (Prov. 16:1–9).”

So much greatness! And truth. Like, bam.

And this is equally as great:

“The Bible only outlines two categories for Christian women in relation to Christian men: either she is a sister in Christ or she is your wife. There isn’t a middle ground. The lie is, “We’re halfway married, so we can do 50% of the married things.” That is not true at all. You need to put physical touch in two categories: acts of affection or acts of desire.”

Check out the entirely fabulous article here: ‘5 Notes On Dating For The Guys.’

THEN, classic Kiz told me about another article. This time, it’s for girls though so I’m actually meant to read this. This one is called ‘For The Gals: 8 Principles For Dating.’

One of my favourite parts of this article is the advice they give here:

“It is OK to mingle—but don’t manipulate.
Peruse—but don’t pursue. Let him initiate.
Take notice of the godly men serving Jesus around you—but never stalk. It’s creepy.
Cross paths with a man who interests you—but don’t tackle him.”

So I thought I’d leave you with these great articles today, and hopefully they’ll interest you as much as they interested me!

Moral of the post: let’s get our act together, guys and gals!
And if you’re dragged along to study with friends, just write a blog post! Fun times, oh yeah.

Have a blessed weekend!

Mel xx

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