Born is the King

Hey there lovely friends!

Can you believe that Christmas has already come and gone? It’s crazy to think another year is wrapping up, and coming to an end.

(Yes puns)

But seriously. 2014 is just around the corner, and it’s surreal to think of all that’s happened this year gone by.

This year was my first big leap into the real world, where I ventured into the scary (which actually wasn’t so scary!) world of university, meeting new people and forming new friendships. I went to the snow for the first time in my life. I resigned of my job of two years. I started learning guitar again and falling more in love with music. I started singing at church and building up my confidence. I even started venturing out of the ‘PAC bubble’ as it’s called, and going to a different church of a night.

In retrospect, it’s always such a comforting thing looking back on a year and pin-pointing where God was the whole time. That analogy of God looking at the whole jigsaw while we’re so focused on one puzzle piece has never been more accurate.

God’s plan is absolutely immaculate. He uses everything for our good. Romans 8:28 – “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (ESV)

Even the heartbreaks, sorrows and seemingly endless pits of despair can be used for our good. I know, because I’ve been through crazy times of trials where there was literally nothing left to hold onto – except God.

Our Christmas Eve service at Christ Church @ The College was absolutely beautiful. It seriously made my heart all warm and squishy, haha. There was such a great turn out – but not only that, everyone was genuinely so lovely to each other and so engaged with each other before, during and after the service. It was such a God thing.

Mum and Ben even came to my church service, which really touched me. As you may know, Mum, Dad and Ben (the not-so-little-anymore brother!) go to a different church to me. Which makes it a bit hard when special church services such as Christmas Day and Easter come around. So it was lovely that they came!

The band got there at 5:30 to practice, but Frewy and I got there a bit earlier (thanks for the lift by the way, bud!) to help set up the lights. Here’s the aftermath:

Stolen from x

Pretty, gah!

One of the things I loved about the night was actually the talk. I know, it’s not something you expect to particularly grab you if you’ve heard a million and one Christmas talks before. But it was a really cool perspective that Mark came from. He highlighted the significance of the three gifts that the wise men brought to Jesus – gold, frankincense and myrrh.

He linked their symbolism back to Jesus, and the amazing gift God bestowed upon us, through Him.

Gold was resemblant of a King. Someone noble, important, and who rules over a people. Which obviously is because Jesus is our King – He reigns over our lives, He protects us as His people, and He loves us; looking out for our best interests.

Though I’ve actually never heard this of Frankincense – it’s actually that incense that the priest typically swings around in Catholic churches. A priest. The symbolism of this was that Jesus is our High Priest in heaven – it brought memories flooding back of MYC, where we looked at Hebrews 8. Also great in Hebrews is this:

Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. 15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:14-16, ESV).

The whole perspective that the talk was from really astounded me. I loved the symbolism behind these gifts – it really reiterates the fact that God’s plan is so wholesome and so perfect. He’s awesome.

Myrrh is actually a resin, predominantly used in burials.

Burials – like Jesus’ burial, because He came to earth so that He could take our punishment in death in order that we can come close to God and receive eternal life!

(That was literally my wavelength as soon as I heard what myrrh was, haha)

I just found it really interesting, and really impacting. Knowing that because of God’s immaculate love, we are saved and are accounted for through our High Priest in heaven, Jesus.

And I also can’t believe I didn’t know what frankincense and myrrh actually were. I mean, c’mon Miss Mel, get with the program!

So thank you for such a great talk Mark. If it was an engaging sermon for someone who’s heard a million and two Christmas sermons, then I’m sure it left a great impact on our holiday-service-comers. Really great stuff.

PicMonkey Collage

Christmas was equally as lovely! Of course Ben and I woke up for 6am (because that’s the earliest we’re allowed to wake up Mum and Dad), eagerly waiting for Nanna to arrive so we could all open up presents together.

I was so thankful everyone loved their presents this year – the Pocketfuel presents went down a treat! And I was blessed to receive a lot of lovely things – ranging from a new camera tripod (ahhh!!) to books and TV series.

And yes, you know by TV series I mean One Tree Hill! The cliffhanger of Season 7 will be no more, with my jump start into Season 8 last night.

Boxing Day hasn’t been eventful in the slightest, apart from editing a vlog from yesterday, which you can check out HERE, and deciding that I should probably pack for Beach Mission. Because we leave on Saturday. As in, need to be at Currarong by 9:30am on Saturday. And I still need to buy half my packing list..

Oh good goshness.

I hope your Christmases were absolutely wonderful – filled with the peace and grace of our Saviour Jesus. His love is unconditional, and His gift of life is indescribable.

Why don’t you open it?


Merry ‘Boxing Day’, all!


workofyourhands autograph

P.S, stay tuned for some December favourites, to appear tomorrow before I disappear to Beach Mission for 10 days!

In the meantime, check out this amazingly beautiful song – I’m teaching myself the tag on guitar (yeah!), and I’ve basically decided this will be my first-dance wedding song. It’s SO. PRETTY.

(And the music video made me cry)

Gift wrapping and big decisions

I feel as though you’ve either got to love wrapping Christmas presents, or hate it.

That being said, I looove these wrapped presents! I’ll take two, please.

Or like me, enjoy the concept of it but hate putting the actual effort into doing it. No ‘indie’ brown wrapping paper for me this year – I went old school with some cute Christmas paper from Koorong.. because apparently getting brown paper and different Christmas coloured Christmas ribbons is too stressful. (No time, classic Mel)

Yeah swag.

This week has been a big ball of lazy and sleepiness for me. Both brought upon by myself, I’ll totally admit to that. I don’t start up my tutoring again until January (which is after beach mission – BEACH MISSION YES!), so I don’t even have a reason to go out of the house until Christmas Eve. Well, no. Sunday for church. But close enough.

Side note: I’ve been rostered on for both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day for music at church. I could have chosen one or the other, but I figured that being the only member of my family that attends my church, I’m more than keen to take part in both! Party times with the music fambam, yay! (Double side note: My family do go to church, just a different one that I left a few years back)

Daniel, the babe of a horse! (No, I didn’t wear this shirt for the cliché farm-girl look.. it’s the only Christmas-coloured top I own, sadly enough!)

Monday was fun though! It involved roadtripping out to Werombi to have a Christmas get-together with some of my old school friends. We only get the chance to catch up every couple of months, so it was lovely to spend time together with them!

Tuesday involved a day of Ghost-Whisperer and a Koorong visit to get out of the house; to get some Christmas cards/birthday presents. You heard right, Heather Louise Bray! Haha!

I’m actually really enjoying the first season of Ghost Whisperer. I think the actual ghost-whispering concept is a load of waffle, but I’m loving the fictitious nature behind the series. The characters are really engaging, and the plotlines are actually so great. It’s like when you watch Harry Potter or something – obviously you don’t believe in magic (or maybe you do, awkward..), but it’s enjoyable to watch! I get so emotionally attached to the characters/ghosts’ stories though. I usually end up crying or teary-eyed at the end of most episodes. What a softie, haha.

Koorong was lovely to catch up with two beautiful friends I haven’t seen in a while, also! It’s still scary going there because it’s weird not working there anymore, but whenever I do I just LOVE seeing all of these wonderful friends who are more than happy to catch up and see what’s been happening. While stacking books/serving/working of course..

Tonight though (yes, she’s finally gotten to the main point of the blog post), I was re-reading through the second chapter of Jeremiah alongside a Warren Wiersbe commentary called ‘Be Decisive.’ And my, my. It’s fantastic.

I’ve always loved the book of Jeremiah – mainly because of the awesome truth of 29:11′; but also because Jeremiah was a young guy called to do amazing things by God and for God. Like it states in 1 Timothy 4:12 (Vanuatu verse, guys!!), we’re not useless as young adults or even teenagers, in serving Christ. So I find a really cool connection between that and Jeremiah’s ministry in the Old Testament.

Here are a few cool things I noted from my little bible study tonight:

Background for you: God’s people are sinning (surprise, surprise!). They’ve been given this great promised land, and they’ve decided ‘Hey, stuff God, we’ll make our own idols!’ They’ve broken God’s covenant with them, which is basically the equivalent of breaking a marriage. God even refers to the Israelites as his bride, and He their husband. So they’re breaking a marriage with God. That’s their first mistake.

Verse 7 shows both God’s anger and his total disappointment in the way they’ve come into this land and completely defiled it – and Him.

“And I brought you into a plentiful land to enjoy its fruits and its good things. But when you came in, you defiled my land and made my heritage an abomination.” (ESV)

His people have the choice of living for a God so sustaining, that He is “the fountain of living waters” (v.13). When instead, they’ve decided upon the muddy waters that their broken cisterns (water-holders) can’t even contain.

Warren Wiersbe makes a note that “the greatest judgement God can send to disobedient people is to let them have their own way and reap the sad, painful consequences of their sins.”

Just think about that for a minute.

How many times have you felt God nudging you in your life? Trying desperately to pull you away from where you’re headed, in promise of a far greater future? Many of us block this out. Stick out fingers in our ears, start singing ‘Lalalala!’ and keep walking down our path to desolation. Sounds bad, because it is.

It’s a wonder we have a God that loves us so much, when we constantly turn our sin-ridden backs on Him and say we can do it in our own strength.

Coming to God and loving God is a decision that you have to come to by yourself. God can’t pick you up and mail you to the nearest church, forcing you to become a Christian and to love Him. You can’t force love.

Which is why it’s so sad and so heart-wrenching to see so many people think that His love mustn’t be worth the time of day. Or effort.

I mean, we live in a world revolved around idols. Around distractions. Around things that we invest our heart and soul, time and money into, only to sit back and think ‘Is this all there is?’

Not even close.


Something that made my giggle in my reading was in verses 27 and 28, where the people of Israel are in “their time of trouble” and are asking God to save them. In verse 28, I feel like God’s looking at them rolling His eyes almost, as He asks them: “But where are your gods that you made for yourself? Let them arise, if they can save you in your time of trouble..”

I read it in such a sarcastic voice, it made me laugh.

But God makes a very valid point. As per usual.

We put our whole lives into this vainless pursuit of idols, of course forgetting God when things seem to be on track and running smoothly. Everything’s easy, fun, exciting. No need for God when it’s going well, right?

But as soon as the scale starts to tip, we find ourselves asking ‘God, why are you doing this? Why is this happening? Help me!’

For starters, I don’t think we even have the right to be asking God those questions when we ignore His existence 97% of the time, when things are okay. But that’s getting a bit off topic, so I’ll leave that for another day, haha.

I think it’s pretty fair of God to look at the Israelites and say ‘Well, go let your idols help you. After all, if they’re your true gods then they’ll help you out of this pickle.’

So I think it’s amazing and indicative of God’s unconditional love and grace when He still does help us. When He is there for us, guiding and sustaining us.

But there needs to be effort on our part.

We can’t expect to reap the benefits of God’s glory, if we’re too busy trying to create our own.

Wiersbe concludes his commentary of chapter two with a great thought: “Any decisions we make that are contrary to God’s plan will lead to bondage, because only the truth can set us free.”

No, really – check out John 8:32! “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”


Our decisions, when not God-centred, will always turn out badly. Because they’re usually selfish, self-centred, and likely to only look at the short term benefits of something. God-centred decisions are key in life, because they help you to walk with a God who is bigger and more powerful than any trials or tragedies you may face.

Life with God isn’t always easy, but we can have full confidence that it turns out 100% amazing. Life without God may seem cool in the short term, but in the end it always ends up in separation. And trust me, separation from the Creator of the universe is not exactly something you want to aim for. Ever.

So with that in mind,

What’s your decision going to be?


Hope you’re all having a wonderful Christmas break so far! Enjoy the holidays and rest you get, and cherish the times you get to spend with your families – they’re pretty rad. Have a wonderful rest of the week – and I can assure you that you’ll probably be doing more than me!


Stay wonderful,



Generous hearts and motivated beliefs

This is totally my third post in a row this weekend, and while I should apologise, I’m going to opt for the classic sorry not sorry.

Yeah, you heard me.

Because I really want to share some amazing encouragement and perspective from the sermon at church today.

The past few weeks (or week) at church, we’ve been looking at generosity. The passage today was 2 Corinthians 9:6-15:

6 The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully[a]will also reap bountifully. 7 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency[b] in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. 9 As it is written,

“He has distributed freely, he has given to the poor;
his righteousness endures forever.”

10 He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. 11 You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God. 12 For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God. 13 By their approval of this service, they[c] will glorify God because of your submission that comes from your confession of the gospel of Christ, and the generosity of your contribution for them and for all others,14 while they long for you and pray for you, because of the surpassing grace of God upon you.15 Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!

2 Corinthians 9:6-15, ESV.

This is pretty much going to be a re-hash of the notes I took during the sermon this morning, because I find it helpful to go over what I’ve learnt and make sure it’s sunk in. And because it’s great, and I really, really want to share this with you.

We started off by talking about motivation.

What is motivation?

We use this word to express desires of reaching a goal, and needing stimulus/motivation in order to achieve such goals. These turn into short-term motivational sprees.

(This was research reiterated from some guy, but I don’t remember what his name is, sorry!)

Meaning, you may have a goal of doing really well in school or something. So you want motivation in order to do well. You want t be motivated to work hard and go well in whatever your goal may be.

This research guy concluded that motivation actually does not exist.

In the long run, you can’t be motivated by others, or even yourself, in anticipation of a reward or end goal.

This is where the notion of beliefs comes in.

Beliefs outweigh motivation. Totally smash it.

This means our deep, core beliefs. We act in accordance to our beliefs.

What do you believe, that causes you anxiety, stress, etc?

For example, you may believe that mistakes and failures are bad and will lead to rejection. Meaning you want to avoid that, and burn yourself out and become anxious and stressed.

Or thinking that what’s the most important is what people think of you.

Do they like me?

Did I impress them?

Is this going to gain me popularity, or praise?

Our core beliefs can cause an anxiety that prevents us from taking action. Take self-esteem for example – something very close to my heart and my life. ‘I’m not adequate’, ‘I’m nowhere good enough.’

No motivation is sufficient enough t eliminate these in the long run.

See, your belief system drives your actions.

What you believe about yourself, and how you believe others accept you.

This then links back to spiritual beliefs, in terms of generosity.

I found the first part of the sermon, with the belief system explanation, really beneficial and eye-opening. Here’s how it was linked bck to the passage though:

What is your core belief in God?

What is your core belief about church?

Your core belief will drive your actions in the end. For example, you may go to church with the belief that it is the Sabbath day and is beneficial to you alone. Or you may go/not go because you believe that God loves you regardless of your commitment to the church.

But what if your belief system was one of desire for fellowship with God’s people?

See how by just changing your perspective and belief system about something, it becomes something natural and second-nature to do?

In the passage (2 Corinthians 9:6-15), there are three belief statements that drive generosity.

  • It absolutely benefits me.

If you have the negative belief that giving does not benefit you,, then you’re giving way to a deep-seated belief that money is really more valuable than God.

‘If I have X amount of money, I can do X..’

‘Money gives me what I need.’

‘If I give it away, others will benefit, but I won’t.’

If you want God, you will get everything. Take a look at verse 10:

He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. (ESV).

You have to remove the belief that trusting money is better than trusting God. God is far more reliable than money will ever be.

  • It absolutely encourages others.

It benefits others. It encourages others.

Your contribution as an individual is VITAL to the collective.

  • It absolutely glorifies God.

Glorification to God. He is good to us. We should always be seeking to glorify Him.

Just think about someone thanking you for your generosity, and your response being this:

‘It’s not about me, it’s about God.’

That’s just one way of showing/sharing the amazing and all-fulfilling love of God.

Don’t get comfortable in your birdcage with a cupful of food, when there’s an open door for you ready to fly out.

It may be unknown. It may seem daunting.

But rest assured that you will be okay.

Because God is good.


I want to challenge you this week to challenge your own belief systems. Whether they concern God, your faith, education, work or friendships. Don’t think of what motivates you. Think of what you can do to change your beliefs towards something, in order that you desire to reach that end goal.

And don’t do it without God. He’s there, with open and outstretched arms. Ready to support and uplift you, in whatever you may do.


Love and grace,


Grey skies and previews

It’s been such a rainy and cold past few days – you’d almost think we were back in winter!

I’m absolutely in love with the rain. I think it’s just lovely. There’s no night I love better than one where you can snuggle up in bed under blankets and doona, good book and hot chocolate in hand, and listen to the quiet (or sometimes quite prominent) pitter patter of rain on the rooftop.


Last night I went to night church for the fifth time. And for the first time, by myself.

I honestly didn’t know how I would go, going alone. I know people there and have a lot of friends there, but I like having the security of people with me – I think it comes from being a bit of an introvert, and such damaged self esteem (which is totally improving day by day!) from past events in my life.

But I went anyway, and pep-talked myself.

And it was so great.

I think I found it a true testament to how comfortable I’m feeling there, and how much I feel like I belong there now. I felt totally at ease walking up the driveway by myself, saying hi to the people who greeted me, and finding friends to go and sit with.

I’m so glad I went. Even though it doesn’t seem like a big deal to most; it was a big deal for me. Another brave step out of my comfort zone. I really think God wanted me there last night. It was amazingly moving, and I felt such a connection there last night. To the church family, and most importantly to my God. It was incredible.

Last night they had a baptism. Coming from an Anglican background, I wasn’t quite sure of the difference between the two denominations of Anglican and Baptist. A friend told me it comes down mainly to the way people are baptised.

A girl called Liz got up and gave her amazing and touching testimony. Of all she has overcome, and the true revelation that struck her. God is in control. All loving, all powerful. And she put her trust in Him.

She was led upstairs to a pool above the main stage, and the youth pastor Travis baptised her. It was so moving, and I really felt her connection to God through it all. Everyone cheered when she came back up from the water – she was grinning ear to ear, and was so uplifted. Though it’s not about the water, the symbolic nature of it really struck me last night and I just loved it. Amazing.

The preacher last night talked from Isaiah 52:6-8.

6 Therefore my people will know my name;
therefore in that day they will know
that it is I who foretold it.
Yes, it is I.”

7 How beautiful on the mountains
are the feet of those who bring good news,
who proclaim peace,
who bring good tidings,
who proclaim salvation,
who say to Zion,
“Your God reigns!”
8 Listen! Your watchmen lift up their voices;
together they shout for joy.
When the Lord returns to Zion,
they will see it with their own eyes.

The good news referred to in verse 7 isn’t just of God’s love and of His presence. There’s specific good news, seen further on in the verse. “Your God reigns.”

Our God reigns.

Our God reigns through Christ.


He used really cool analogies last night, which stuck with me. One of them talked about the audience when you go to watch a movie. How trailers/previews come on, and by watching the audience’s reactions you see people turn to each other after a good one, saying “We have to go see that!” or “WE ARE SEEING THAT!”

He related good previews to how we are as Christians. We should be previews for the amazing grace and love that is found in Christ Jesus. We should be the previews of the greatest blockbuster to ever come. Our actions, our speech (and our lives!) should be a preview of the glory that is in our God.

Then he asked us this:

If our life now was a preview for God’s eternal glory and love; what would people think of it?

Convicted, hey?

That’s totally how I felt.

But that’s good. Because we can’t go on in life acting like everything is okay half-hearted. Life ends up passing us by, and we waste our time instead of devoting it to the God who deserves it most.

Our God’s love never gives up, and never fails us.

So why should ours, for Him?

To do the full loop of the conversation, here’s bringing it back to rain. I got home tonight after tutoring and took some photos of the rain droplets outside. I think rain droplets are just beautiful, and I love taking photos of them. Almost as much as I love taking bokeh photos, haha. Here’s a few shots of my endeavours. They’re not the best, but they turned out less blurry than anticipated, with shakey hands and a long-lens.

How amazing is the beauty that God has blessed us with in this life?


For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

Colossians 1:16-17


And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

Genesis 1:31


He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord.

Psalm 33:5


Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines forth.

Psalm 50:2


Lift up your eyes on high and see: who created these? He who brings out their host by number, calling them all by name, by the greatness of his might, and because he is strong in power not one is missing.

Isaiah 40:26


He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

Psalm 23:2-3


All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.

John 1:3

Love and grace,

workofyourhands autograph

Reflections: God, guys and love

Evening, lovely friends!

How’s the start of your weekend panning out? Hopefully it’s involving plenty of rest, relax and worship.

And did I mention sleep?

I’ve seriously had the best day today.

Nothing crazy happened.. unless you count my sleeping through my alarm (because I didn’t set it up properly last night) and waking up at 11:22am. Oops (But total #sorrynotsorry because it was the best sleep!).

But then again – something crazy did happen. Today I felt so conscious of God’s presence, and so aware of His almighty love and grace showered upon me. It was just the most uplifting thing.

I’ve been reading a lot through Dannah Gresh’s book ‘And The Bride Wore White’, which I seriously have to tell myself to put down or else I’ll read all night. It’s so challenging, and so encouraging. Her conversational and casual style still cuts right to the chase of the matter, and leaves me both humbled and acutely aware of things I need to change, after every read.

One of the first things that I read in this book was actually the acknowledgements at the front.

(Oh no, she’s one of those people..)

Yes yes – bear with me.

Dannah reveals how worried she was about telling her son about some of the things in her past. She asked him if she was disappointed, to which he said “In what?”

“In the fact that I’d messed up like this”, she said.

“Mom, we all mess up. That’s why Jesus died.”

I mean if that’s not simple and refreshing enough for you, I don’t know what is.

This book is about the secrets to sexual purity, to get to the point. It talks of lust, purity, lies that we’re told by Satan and the world, and ways in which Christian women can be empowered to strive towards a pure and holy life.

Guy in your life, or no guy in your life – this is a must read for all you gals out there.

If you’ve read any of my past blog posts, you’ll have noted that I’ve complained a lot about my love life (read: lack thereof)

I struggle with waiting, and particularly with patience. It eats away at me sometimes: the jealousy of others, and the discontent within my own life in comparison.

Ridiculous, right?

This morning I read through a chapter in which Dannah tells of her decision to end things with her boyfriend, Bob Gresh. They were both strong Christians, both going to church and both totally in love. But their dependency started to slowly rely on each other first, rather than God. Her journal had become full of Him, and not of God. Instead of a pure and slow-burning love, she was headed into crash and burn mode.

45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, 46 who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.

Meditating on Matthew 13:45-46, she decided that they needed to end things. They both knew it was the right thing to do, but my goodness it hurt. On her way home she prayed to God, saying Oh God.. I have never sacrificed something to You that I hold so dear. I don’t know if You will give him back to me, but I will trust You to fill this huge void in my heart someday, somehow.

I can’t even fathom that kind of trust in God. It’s something that’s definitely spoken to me and definitely opened my heart to seek and yearn after Him now more than ever.

God’s love is so powerful, so all-consuming and so beautiful. It’s a wonder any of us are yearning after anything other than Him.

But we do.

I think one of the main things this chapter taught me is this: If I were to be in any relationship right now, it’s very likely that it would be heading into crash and burn mode. Fast. Because I’m giving way to all of these pre-conceived notions of relationship and dating – ones of fairytale endings and perfection. Ones that would leave me infatuated with a guy who sins just like me; rather than a perfect and almighty God.

There’s nothing wrong with dating. There’s nothing wrong with love, and for wanting a guy.

But I’m learning that no matter how hard you try to hide it, you need to face this reality:

You can’t be truly leaning into God and embracing Him, yet holding His hand in a desperate attempt to find someone else’s to hold.

You get to know and love God, for God.

Not so that a guy will be impressed by your bible-knowledge or how many sticky notes you have in your bible. Or how many bible verses you can remember off the top of your head. (I’m obviously exaggerating the Christian cliché, but you get what I mean!).

I’m nowhere near in love with God enough to be given the responsibility of loving a guy in the same way. After all, our relationships should be a reflection of God’s love for us. A way to serve Him perfectly and wholeheartedly together.

I’m just not there yet.

And I’m working on it. But with different motives now.

I want to fall in love with God, for God. Not to be noticed. Not to be asked out. Not to find just any love.

But to find His love. His perfect agape.

And this is what surprised me today – I feel ready for the challenge. I feel ready for this struggle with lust and love, and finding my way down the tricky and challenging road of purity.

If God brings along a guy soon, that would be wonderful.

But I still wouldn’t date them.

I’m excited for new blossoming friendships, for sure. I’m excited to get to know my brothers-in-Christ. But as that – brothers. I’m content and confident in His plan, and that His timing works wonders. I’m embracing the freedom He’s blessed me with in my life at the moment, and taking things day by day. He knows my future – He’s in my future right now!

Probably shaking His head at me now, saying: You don’t even know what I have in store for you, my dear. Just you wait!

Oh Lord, I am waiting.

And I know who I’ll be waiting for. That’s right.. Mel made a list. I’ve survived 18 years of no dating and no relationships – I’d happily be single for a great deal longer now, to find the right guy for me. God, I am waiting contentedly and confidently. For a man who is everything on that list, and one that is everything I need to serve and honour and know You forever. To grow and learn and bask in Your love together.

That’s better than any love story even Nicholas Sparks could write.

I’ve had this song on repeat all afternoon (and on repeat right now too!), which you just have to check out: It’s called ‘Ever Lifting’ by Christy Nockels. One of my best friends Leash showed it to me last week – and after finally getting a new iTunes card, I’m giddy with how happy and positive this song makes me feel! I’ll leave the YouTube link at the end, but here’s part of the chorus:

You’re lifting my head so I know You’re near me
You’re lifting my eyes so I see You clearly
Where I belong
You are where I belong

God’s great. His timing is perfect, and His actions are flawless. He is ever lifting us, bringing is higher and closer to Him. Just thinking about the depths of His love makes my heart flutter a bit. He’s definitely revealed a lot of things to me today, and over the course of the week.

Speaking of timing – oops! Mel, you need to go to sleep!

We have a Women’s Breakfast up at church tomorrow (note excitement!!), which starts at 8:30am. I don’t think I’m going to be functioning heaps well with lack of sleep. But man am I keen for fellowship with the beautiful women in our church.

I’ll do a full and proper review and reflection on Dannah’s book when I finish – I’ll try to outline the things that both challenged me and the seven secrets for sexual purity. But don’t expect anything in the next week – I’ll surely finish it this weekend; but I have two essays to write/submit and a tonne of exams to study for this week – prayers please! For motivation, calmness and focus.

Lots of motivation.

I’m praying for you all, too. That God will be working intricately in your lives. And that you will be open to His love. Open to His grace so freely given. And open to it changing you. It seems scary at first – I totally get it. People may think you’re crazy. And you will be! Crazy for Him. The greatest source of love ever.

Thanks for being such a blessing, my friends.

Much love and grace,


P.S. Have you noticed all the new fancy pages in my blog? Go check them out and see what you think! They’re a work in progress, and something I’ll be working on when uni exams are done. But they’re there, so go have a sticky beak! And admire the new banner, while you’re at it. Haha!

P.P.S. Here’s the link to ‘Ever Lifting!’ –